We are a 501(C)3 Non-Denominational Church with genuine commitment to the cause of Christ. We are a charter member with Faith Christian Fellowship International (FCFI). As Christ Ambassadors, our passion is to see the lost reconciled back unto God. Therefore, we are committed to preaching the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. We are also here to encourage believers to be courageous, steadfast in faith, persevere in the face of persecution, endure hardship, and advance God’s kingdom here on earth.
To Make, Train and Equip disciples for the work of our Lord Jesus Christ.
To build a body of Christ that is without wrinkle or blemish – a Church that will make a significant impact in expanding God’s Kingdom here on earth and be ready to go with Christ when He returns.
At Zion Worship Center, we worship God in truth and in Spirit, learn at His feet, pray boldly by faith and hear Him speak to us. Come and fellowship with us! You will be encouraged to truly represent Christ in all you do and contribute your own quota to the expansion of God’s kingdom here on earth. Together we can make a difference in this dying world even as time is fast running out.